A gradual reopening for face-to-face physiotherapy
As a team, we have been monitoring the situation carefully, and working hard to determine how best to keep our community safe and well.
We are mindful that the absence of face-to-face treatment can have a significant impact on quality of life and recovery. Our promise is to do whatever we can to ensure all our clients receive the care and support they need.
So, in line with the government advice, we have decided to begin a gradual reopening of our clinics for face-to-face physiotherapy from 3rd June.
In order to provide the highest and safest standard of care, we will be implementing several measures across our clinics.
These include:
- Client screening
- Enhanced hygiene practices
- Use of PPE
Which clinics are open for face-to-face physiotherapy?
We will be reopening our clinics gradually for face-to-face physiotherapy and will announce new openings as they occur.
Appointments are now available at:
- Harley Street
- Kings Cross
- Mayfair
- Victoria
- St. Paul’s
- London Bridge
- Clapham
- Camden
- Old Street
- Farringdon
- Holborn
- Paddington
- Epping
- Richmond
- Bushey Heath
- Streatley
- Cobham
- Cambridge, Bateman Street
- Cambridge, Bridge Street
- Manchester, Deansgate
- Brigg
- Ashby
- Grimsby
What is the client screening process for reopening face-to-face physiotherapy?
We will be screening every client at the point of booking. We will ask a short series of questions to ensure that clients are not in an ‘at risk’ category in order to maintain client and team safety.
If a client is considered ‘at risk’, we won’t be able to book a face-to-face appointment. However, we will be able to offer a virtual Online Physiotherapy appointment in its place.
If the information provided changes between booking and attending the appointment, we ask that clients contact us to let us know.
What are the hygiene measures for reopening face-to-face physiotherapy?
All team members will be fully trained in the cleaning and hygiene protocols set out by the Government ‘COVID secure’ guidelines, and those provided by our governing body.
- Hand sanitiser will be available at every entrance/exit point. Clients will be asked to apply it before entering.
- All surfaces, equipment and handles that have been touched will be wiped down between every client.
- Clients will kindly be asked to wear their own face mask.
What PPE will the physiotherapists be wearing?
The nature of physiotherapy means that some client contact and proximity work is unavoidable. Therefore, as a minimum, all our physiotherapists will be required to wear the following PPE:
- KN95 face mask
- Disposable gloves
What are the social distancing measures?
Although treatment often requires us to work in close proximity to our clients, we will implement social distancing at every opportunity.
- Treatment room layouts will be altered where possible to minimise contact time (less than 2m) between individuals.
- Clients will be asked to arrive at the time of their appointment. This will avoid contact with other clients and minimise time spent in waiting areas.
- Clients will be asked to arrive alone unless they specify they would like a chaperone. This must comply with all other policies.
- We kindly ask all clients to keep a look out for, and abide by, site-specific requests which will be clearly visible and signposted.
What are the new reopening hours for face-to-face physiotherapy?
We are keen to improve our appointment accessibility and flexibility by reviewing and extending our clinic opening times.
Therefore, we will now be offering weekday evening (8am-8pm) and Saturday morning (9am-3pm) appointments at our Harley Street and Kings Cross clinics.
You can access site-specific information by visiting your chosen clinic page.
Is virtual Online Physiotherapy still available?
Over the past few months, we have replaced all face-to-face appointments with our Online Physiotherapy service.
Our virtual appointments have proven to be extremely valuable in their convenience and simplicity, and they will remain available to all clients. Find out more about how they work here.
Are face-to-face appointments covered by insurers?
Most major insurers are now covering Initial Assessments (45 mins) and Follow-up Treatments (30 mins).
IPRS and Nuffield will authorise face-to-face appointments, however, they require clients to book in for a virtual Online Physiotherapy (30 mins) consultation first.
Insurers do not cover Extended Initial Assessment and Treatment sessions (60 mins), therefore these will need to be self-funded.
How do I book face-to-face Physiotherapy?
If you would like to book in for a face-to-face appointment, simply click our ‘book’ button below. If you would like to book in over the phone please contact our client care team on 033 0333 0435.
Thank you for your continuing support and patience during this time, and we look forward to welcoming you back into clinic soon.