Cassius Balucas

Chartered MSK Physiotherapist

Cassius’s interest in Physiotherapy and Personal Training was first sparked as a teenager and a keen rugby and football player. Following an injury on the field, Cassius soon learned the value of physiotherapy and the importance of supporting sports with a strong strength and conditioning programme.

After qualifying as a Personal Trainer, he completed his BSc in Sports and Exercise Science and MSc in Physiotherapy, and has since gained a wide range of experience as a Chartered MSK Physiotherapist in the NHS and here at Bodyset. He believes in the importance of patient education, ensuring that every patient understands the value of their rehab.

Cassius has been weight training  for over 10 years so when he’s not helping patients at the clinic, he’s lifting weights at the gym, competing in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu at Carlson Gracie Surrey, or at home playing guitar to his favourite rock songs.

“I feel privileged to be working alongside a number of knowledgeable clinicians from different backgrounds where I can look to learn and implement what they preach into my own practice for a greater patient outcome.”