Charlotte Barnett
For as long as she can remember, Charlotte has been fascinated by how the human body works and how it can repair itself. She was blown away by the intricacies of the nervous system during her first degree in anatomy, which subsequently led her to discovering the discipline of chiropractic and she has never looked back.
Since graduating as a chiropractor in 2013, Charlotte has been fortunate to work in successful clinics in both Essex and Fulham, treating a wide variety of cases. She has a particular passion for treating neck, TMJ, scoliosis and lower back complaints, and finds it extremely satisfying to see how much better her patients feel once their spine is moving properly. She feels that patient education is one of the first steps to recovery and is always keen to provide advice wherever necessary. If Charlotte does not feel that she can help you with chiropractic or massage, she will refer you to somebody who can.
Outside of work, being a mum of two young children lends itself to plenty of walks, bike rides, swimming, gardening… anything to tire them out frankly! Charlotte has always been active in her spare time, loves to clean and is an avid runner.